Belong To Safe Schools Programme

In line with our core values, Care, Inclusion and Respect; we are delighted to be one of the schools participating in the BelongTo Safe Schools LGBTQ+ Quality Mark programme. The quality mark is based on the four key areas of wellbeing promotion and achieving goals in each of these areas: culture and environment, curriculum (teaching and learning), relationships and partnerships as well as policy and planning.
During the programme, we recognise the existing supports for your LGBTQ+ members of our school community, such as our celebration of BelongTo Stand Up Week each November. Since beginning our BelongTo Safe Schools LGBTQ+ Quality Mark programme, we have introduced a new lunchtime club, Torthaí. Torthaí – the Irish word for “fruit” – which comes in lots of varieties was chosen by the founding members of the club to signify that all students are welcome. Our Torthaí club members are at the centre of our work towards achieving the BelongTo Safe Schools Quality Mark accreditation. Torthaí members meet every fortnight, on Tuesdays at lunchtime.
The coordinators of our BelongTo Safe Schools LGBTQ+ Quality Mark team are Ms Ailish King, Ms Jennifer Allen and Ms Margaret O’Shea.